
Catégorie :
Stargate Atlantis
Titre original
Allegiance- Book 3 of the Legacy series
Amy Griswold & Melissa Scott
Lindsay Allen
Date de sortie
15 Novembre 2011 (Ebook)
Nombre de pages
Langue d'origine
Numéro de série

Résumé de l'Editeur

Ennemis et amis

Sous le choc de la découverte du sort de Rodney McKay, le colonel Sheppard et son équipe se retirent sur Atlantis pour se regrouper. Avec Rodney non seulement aux mains des Wraiths, mais apparemment à leur service, Atlantis doit faire face à un nouveau danger : leur propre homme, retourné contre eux.

Alors que Zelenka et le colonel Carter travaillent frénétiquement pour craquer les protocoles de sécurité que McKay a intégrés dans le système informatique d'Atlantis, Ronon revisite son passé et découvre que beaucoup de choses ont changé sur Sateda. Pendant ce temps, la reine de la Mort se prépare à utiliser son prisonnier le plus précieux ; avec Rodney qui ignore toujours sa véritable identité, le sort d'Atlantis est en jeu...

Enemies and friends

Reeling from the shocking discovery of Rodney McKay's fate, Colonel Sheppard and his team retreat to Atlantis to regroup. With Rodney not only in the hands of the Wraith, but apparently working for them, Atlantis faces a new danger - their own man, turned against them.

While Zelenka and Colonel Carter work frantically to crack the security protocols McKay embedded in Atlantis's computer system, Ronon revisits his past and finds much is changing on Sateda. Meanwhile, Queen Death prepares to make use of her most valuable prisoner; with Rodney still unaware of his true identity, the fate of Atlantis hangs in the balance...

Extrait de l'Editeur

Extrait du chapitre 7

"Oh, not good," Zelenka said, and followed it in Czech with what sounded like something heartfelt. "We have systems shutting down - internal sensors, power to the weapons chair -"

"Get that thing shut down," Lorne said.

"Yes, I am trying -"

"What the hell is going on?" Sheppard said, tearing up the stairs into the control room, wearing sweatpants tucked into the tops of his boots and a flannel shirt he hadn't bothered to tuck in at all.

"This is Rodney's work," Zelenka said. "His programs are shutting down our security systems, and I cannot stop it. I am afraid we are going to lose the iris."

"Security teams to the gateroom," Sheppard said into his radio. "Sound a citywide alarm." Salawi's hands moved uncertainly over her keyboard, but it was only seconds before the alarm sounded. "Put me on citywide," Sheppard said, and waited for Salawi's quick nod before he went on. "This is Colonel Sheppard. Assume that as of now we are facing an attack by unknown hostiles who are trying to get through the Stargate. I want security teams on full alert -"

Zelenka breathed a curse in Czech, all the more alarming because his tone was hushed rather than heated. "The iris is shutting down..."


L'histoire de ce roman prend place après la saison 5 de Stargate Atlantis. 

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